Since its establishment in 1888, Ryecroft Wines has specialised in premium red wines, boasting a bulk wine processing facility with a 20,000-tonne capacity. It leverages its rich history and the expertise of its team to produce high-quality wines from the McLaren Vale region.

Observed and implemented

Dylan Lomax, the Cellar/Southern Wineries Compliance Manager at Ryecroft Wines, was first introduced to Linde’s forklifts nearly a decade ago during a visit to Brothers in Arms Winery in Langhorne Creek. Impressed by their performance, he has leveraged Linde’s rental solutions and implemented Linde forklifts at Ryecroft, where they have been instrumental to operations for the past five years.

Customised equipment the solution for Ryecroft

Ryecroft Wines has optimised their operations by utilising a Linde H30T Internal Combustion Engine Forklift equipped with a 5400mm mast and rotator. This customised equipment is crucial for efficiently rotating bins of fruit into a wine press and moving and stacking puncheon barrels.

Red Linde forklift with a customised tipping attachment for harvest season 

Dylan describes the forklift’s role as vital, performing tasks from rotating bins and stacking barrels to transporting dry goods. He adds, “Our daily operations would not be achievable without these forklifts,” highlighting the importance of our machinery for their winery’s productivity.

Reliable performance proven

Dylan praises the reliability and efficiency of their Linde forklift. 

"The Linde forklift has proven itself to be remarkably reliable; it operated continuously over a 24-hour period for two straight months without any breakdowns.”

He also highlights the practical benefits of its extended lift height, addressing their previous insufficient tipping capability. “The customised lift height allows for clear and precise tipping of fruit, which is crucial in preventing loss and damage to equipment,” he adds.

When asked how these features meet the specific challenges at Ryecroft, he explains, “The ability to rotate at 5400mm effectively addresses our need for filling pneumatic bag presses.”

Solidifying his take on the quality and reliability of the forklifts rented from Linde, Dylan comments, “The two Linde forklifts we’ve had on site have been consistently reliable and of good quality. They always perform to a high standard when required.”

Red Linde forklift with tipping attachment transporting grapes  

Exceeding expectations

Dylan praises the service delivery at Ryecroft Wines, rating it a perfect 10 out of 10. He is particularly impressed with the exceptional support provided by Jamie Thompson, Linde’s Wine Industry Specialist, and Kester Birtles, Linde Field Service Technician.

“Jamie has continuously met all our expectations and delivered excellent service. The forklift itself has been great, but I cannot commend the efforts of both Jamie and Kester enough. They have been fantastic over the years,” Dylan comments.

Linde Wine Industry Specialist with Ryecroft Manager and forklift operator in front of red Linde forklift on winery

What sets Linde apart in the industry, according to Dylan, is “the service, support, and solutions received from Jamie and Kester, which are second to none.”

Looking to optimise your winery operations with Linde’s guidance? Contact us and our Wine Industry Specialist will help you find the best material handling solution for your business.